Neuroscience of Religion is a young field of research that aims to explore the relationship between religious experience/belief and the brain. Gradually building all the necessary components that establish and define a scientific discipline, the neuroscience of religion is also encountering its inevitable challenges, as reflected in the subtitle of this conference, inspired by Paul Simon’s song »Bridge Over Troubled Water.« Just as the core idea of the interdisciplinary »Rijeka Scientific Bridges« conference lies in the concept of bridges connecting separate shores, this conference will connect neuroscientists, psychologists, theologians, and philosophers in the field of neuroscience of religion.
While we hope the conference will move at a more dynamic pace than the mentioned song, the presentations aim to highlight the achievements and opportunities for advancement in this young discipline.
The ninth edition of »Rijeka Scientific Bridges« is a unique scientific event that will bring together local experts from various scientific fields, and international guests from the United States, Poland, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, and the Netherlands. The symposium is also part of the international project »Philosophy of (Neuro)Science and Theology: Understanding Data, Methods, and Results of Neuroscience of Religion,« led by Assoc. Prof. Saša Horvat, Ph.D., and is financially supported by the SET Foundations and the John Templeton Foundation.
You can read the articles about the conference in the newspaper „Novi list“ at the following links: - Deveti Riječki znanstveni mostovi na temu neuroznanosti religije: Premošćujući nemirne vode novi-list-izvjesce.pdf novi-list-najava.pdfReports in other media are at the following links: - Neuroznanost Religije - Neuroznanost religije: premošćujući nemirne vode - Riječki znanstveni mostovi 9 - Riječki znanstveni mostoviYou can watch the conference recording at the following link: - RIJEKA ZNANSTVENI MOSTOVI 9