Lecturers from various scientific and academic disciplines will reflect on the phenomenon of creativity in its many expressions: creativity and inspiration; the art of creativity and creativity in art; creativity through the magnifying glass of science, but also creativity as the driving force of innovation and change - scientific progress; creativity and planetary problems; whether artificial intelligence can be creative and to what extent the creativity of everyday life is channeled by technological solutions; man as a being of habit as opposed to man as a creative being; the role of creativity in evolutionary development; nature as the source and inspiration of creativity, but also nature as the fruit of the Creator’s creativity.
The aim of the symposium is to offer the determinants of the theory and practice of creativity, and to try to sense how far creativity can take us in designing the future of humanity.
You can read the articles about the conference in the newspaper „Novi list“ at the following links:
novilist.hr Announcement of Bridges 2021. (PDF)