Lecturers from various scientific and academic disciplines consider a number of important determinants and topics of the City of the Future, such as: the city in the service of the citizen, the citizen in the service of the city; evolution of urban forms - uniformity between tradition and development; the problem of overcrowded cities and empty villages; connectivity and infrastructure of cities - solidarity that includes all layers of citizens; new technologies and the design of „smart“ cities; the city as a living organism - inclusiveness, security, health and freedom; tourism and the city; ecology and the city - green oases and dumps; spirituality and religious spaces within the city; religious events in the City.
The aim of the conference is to offer a vision of important future determinants of the City, which will help the local and regional community in planning and designing their own future activities.
You can read the articles about the conference in the newspaper „Novi list“ at the following links:
novilist.hr - Education comes first novilist.hr - Can Rijeka also become a utopian city?